Completed Projects
When you decide to have your property washed you really want to know what results you will be getting, Right? With this in mind, we have created this page so you can feel totally confident about the result we will give you.
Another beautiful day in the life of a busy house washer. Lots of fresh air, sunshine and a 360° panaramic vista to enjoy.
Who wouldn`t enjoy this?
Just Google AWL Housewash for morw information.
May 23

Another beautiful day in the life of a busy house washer. Lots of fresh air, sunshine and a 360° panaramic vista to enjoy.
Who wouldn`t enjoy this?
Just Google AWL Housewash for morw information.
Another beautiful villa restored.
Freshly washed from top to bottom and ready for the proud homeowners to enjoy.
May 10

Another beautiful villa restored.
Freshly washed from top to bottom and ready for the proud homeowners to enjoy.
All finished for the day and as we packed up to leave we were treated to this stunning sunset.
We are truly blessed that our work provides these amazing opportunities to marvel in the beauty of our paradise on earth.
Apr 27

All finished for the day and as we packed up to leave we were treated to this stunning sunset.
We are truly blessed that our work provides these amazing opportunities to marvel in the beauty of our paradise on earth.
Day 1 of a six day project and again I`m privileged to be able to enjoy this amazing view from atop another roof in Auckland, Whitford to be exact.
I`ll share some pics of the actual work as the week progresses. YES I do actually work..! #houses
Apr 17

Day 1 of a six day project and again I`m privileged to be able to enjoy this amazing view from atop another roof in Auckland, Whitford to be exact.
I`ll share some pics of the actual work as the week progresses. YES I do actually work..! #houses
I love the look of freshly washed cedar. You can see the full before and after photos over on our website. Just go to the Washing Cedar Portfolio.
Apr 4

I love the look of freshly washed cedar. You can see the full before and after photos over on our website. Just go to the Washing Cedar Portfolio.
This is a quick view of a beautiful property we recently spruced up. The property is in Birkenhead, Auckland and has a stunning view of the harbour and city.
Apr 4

This is a quick view of a beautiful property we recently spruced up. The property is in Birkenhead, Auckland and has a stunning view of the harbour and city.
Another beautiful day in the office. Enjoying the sun and the views in Paratai Drive. I love housewashing.
Apr 1

Another beautiful day in the office. Enjoying the sun and the views in Paratai Drive. I love housewashing.
Even when hidden away in a rural setting the pleasure of turning run down and shabby into something beautiful and valued is what we get up for.
If you`re property is starting to look a little tired and could use some skilled TLC then get in touch and learn how we can add value and protect your dwelling.
Just Google Awlhousewash and click the Free Quote button.
Jul 15

Even when hidden away in a rural setting the pleasure of turning run down and shabby into something beautiful and valued is what we get up for.
If you`re property is starting to look a little tired and could use some skilled TLC then get in touch and learn how we can add value and protect your dwelling.
Just Google Awlhousewash and click the Free Quote button.
There is a huge level of satisfaction that you get from transforming Cedar homes that have been subjected to the elements.
If you own a cedar property and it`s starting to look a little tired, no worries give us a call and we`ll make it look good as new. Want to learn more? Just google Awl Housewash or
Call Liz 027-476-5514.
Jun 21

There is a huge level of satisfaction that you get from transforming Cedar homes that have been subjected to the elements.
If you own a cedar property and it`s starting to look a little tired, no worries give us a call and we`ll make it look good as new. Want to learn more? Just google Awl Housewash or
Call Liz 027-476-5514.
I love the look of freshly washed cedar. You can see the full before and after photos over on our website. Just go to the Washing Cedar Portfolio.
Apr 4

I love the look of freshly washed cedar. You can see the full before and after photos over on our website. Just go to the Washing Cedar Portfolio.
Homeowners Deck Woe`s!! These two photos show exactly why we do NOT encourage homeowners to wash their expensive decking. It rarely turns out as they want it to.
Domestic water blasters usually have too much pressure and a very narrow water span.
This home was going on the market so we got the call to come in and repair the decks. Luckily we have lots of experience and were able to put things right in no time at all.
If you have a deck that needs some TLC just Google AWLHOUSEWASH and request a free, no obligation consultation.
Jan 31

Homeowners Deck Woe`s!! These two photos show exactly why we do NOT encourage homeowners to wash their expensive decking. It rarely turns out as they want it to.
Domestic water blasters usually have too much pressure and a very narrow water span.
This home was going on the market so we got the call to come in and repair the decks. Luckily we have lots of experience and were able to put things right in no time at all.
If you have a deck that needs some TLC just Google AWLHOUSEWASH and request a free, no obligation consultation.
Hey, thanks for popping back.
I told you it would look different. What do you think?
Now if you were a potential buyer - which would you prefer to see?
Timber decking and features look truly amazing and really do a lot to lift the overall image of a property BUT if it is not well maintained it simply becomes an eyesore looking tired and drab.
Once again, thanks for stopping by and don`t forget, if you have timber around your property that is starting to look a little worse for wear - don`t worry, just google AWL HOUSEWASH and we`ll be happy to pop round for a chat.
Have an awesome day.
Aug 19

Hey, thanks for popping back.
I told you it would look different. What do you think?
Now if you were a potential buyer - which would you prefer to see?
Timber decking and features look truly amazing and really do a lot to lift the overall image of a property BUT if it is not well maintained it simply becomes an eyesore looking tired and drab.
Once again, thanks for stopping by and don`t forget, if you have timber around your property that is starting to look a little worse for wear - don`t worry, just google AWL HOUSEWASH and we`ll be happy to pop round for a chat.
Have an awesome day.
Turned up on the job site for a property owner thinking of putting the home on the market. Initially, they had planned to simply do a bit of tidying up around the gardens and sweeping the dead leaves away from the steps.
I know we can do better than that!
Check back in a few hours and we`ll show you what we achieved and how different this space will look.
If you` are thinking of selling, just google AWL Housewash and let us come and give you a free consultation on what we believe will significantly improve your potential sale price.
Don`t forget to come back later.
Seeing IS Believing!
Aug 16

Turned up on the job site for a property owner thinking of putting the home on the market. Initially, they had planned to simply do a bit of tidying up around the gardens and sweeping the dead leaves away from the steps.
I know we can do better than that!
Check back in a few hours and we`ll show you what we achieved and how different this space will look.
If you` are thinking of selling, just google AWL Housewash and let us come and give you a free consultation on what we believe will significantly improve your potential sale price.
Don`t forget to come back later.
Seeing IS Believing!
Kwila decking looks stunning when new but I`m sorry to say this one has been just a tad neglected.
No worries though, with skill and know-how and the right equipment we can and did fix this.
NB: NO Chemicals Required.
Swipe left to see the end result. If you`re impressed and you have a similar issue then just google AWL HOUSEWASH and let us put it right for you.
Aug 16

Kwila decking looks stunning when new but I`m sorry to say this one has been just a tad neglected.
No worries though, with skill and know-how and the right equipment we can and did fix this.
NB: NO Chemicals Required.
Swipe left to see the end result. If you`re impressed and you have a similar issue then just google AWL HOUSEWASH and let us put it right for you.
Took a while but we finished restoring the deck on the weekend.
Now back to it`s amazing best. Many hours of fun and parties to be had well into the future.
May 7

Took a while but we finished restoring the deck on the weekend.
Now back to it`s amazing best. Many hours of fun and parties to be had well into the future.
Remember that deck that Liz was working on to remove that ugly black paint.
Fantastic - job well done I`d say.
Back to looking like a deck should look.
May 3

Remember that deck that Liz was working on to remove that ugly black paint.
Fantastic - job well done I`d say.
Back to looking like a deck should look.
As you can see, Liz has her work cut out for her on this timber deck. The goal was to remove as much of the paint as possible whilst restoring the natural timber look.
Making awesome progress!!! #timberfences
Apr 26

As you can see, Liz has her work cut out for her on this timber deck. The goal was to remove as much of the paint as possible whilst restoring the natural timber look.
Making awesome progress!!! #timberfences
Mother Nature has a way of making your expensive timber fencing look tired and worn, like this one.
We can fix that as you`ll see in the next picture.
#timberfences #cleaningtimberfences #fences #fencingauckland #fencecleaning #fencecleaningauckland
Apr 11

Mother Nature has a way of making your expensive timber fencing look tired and worn, like this one.
We can fix that as you`ll see in the next picture.
#timberfences #cleaningtimberfences #fences #fencingauckland #fencecleaning #fencecleaningauckland
Trellis, used as a border looks great when new BUT if not cared for it can very quickly become an eye sore. Good news is, with the right tools and the all important know how, it can be saved.
Apr 8

Trellis, used as a border looks great when new BUT if not cared for it can very quickly become an eye sore. Good news is, with the right tools and the all important know how, it can be saved.
Same driveway as before but this time it`s all clean and don`t it just look a whole lot more inviting?
And if you talk to us we`ll even tell you how you can keep it looking good for a lot lot longer than you might think.
Looking forward to hearing from you real soon.
Have an awesome day.
Aug 20

Same driveway as before but this time it`s all clean and don`t it just look a whole lot more inviting?
And if you talk to us we`ll even tell you how you can keep it looking good for a lot lot longer than you might think.
Looking forward to hearing from you real soon.
Have an awesome day.
When it comes to concrete driveways you tend to forget about them because let`s face it, all you do is drive on them, right?
But just like any other surface around the home, if not kept clean, it just spoils the overall look.
I don`t know about you but I just love seeing things as clean as the day they were built.
You put a lot of money into creating that look and with the right products and maintenance plan - you can have it looking pristine all year round.
This is the before imagery. Come back later and check out not only the driveway itself but see what happens to the timber either side.
For more information - Just Google AWL HOUSEWASH
Talk to you soon.
Aug 19

When it comes to concrete driveways you tend to forget about them because let`s face it, all you do is drive on them, right?
But just like any other surface around the home, if not kept clean, it just spoils the overall look.
I don`t know about you but I just love seeing things as clean as the day they were built.
You put a lot of money into creating that look and with the right products and maintenance plan - you can have it looking pristine all year round.
This is the before imagery. Come back later and check out not only the driveway itself but see what happens to the timber either side.
For more information - Just Google AWL HOUSEWASH
Talk to you soon.
I know there is a path here somewhere. All we have to do is find it. We see this a lot in our line of work. Weeds and grass start to takeover and begore long the path is gone. No worries... we can fix that.
Apr 9

I know there is a path here somewhere. All we have to do is find it. We see this a lot in our line of work. Weeds and grass start to takeover and begore long the path is gone. No worries... we can fix that.
The pavers themselves were in great condition, once we found them. Made a huge difference to look of the property and also provided a welcoming approach to the front deck.
Apr 9

The pavers themselves were in great condition, once we found them. Made a huge difference to look of the property and also provided a welcoming approach to the front deck.
Clear Plastic Roof Left to The Elements!
Recently called in to help a client restore their property in preparation for the rental market. When we arrived, this is what we found.
Scroll through to see how we left it.
Client`s Feedback; "AWL is abslutely superb! The work done exceeded my expectations. Liz and Alan took great care, and attention was paid to everything they did. I had a Housewash, gutter cleaning, decks waterblasted and roof treated. This was a mammoth job. I have had previous Housewashes etc in the past and definately didn`t match what I experienced from this great team. Liz was fantastic from the moment she came to give the quote and throughout the job. I want to sincerely thank Liz and Alan foe a phenomenal job and will be definitely using them in the future." Now that`s why we do what we do. LOVE IT!
Feb 29

Clear Plastic Roof Left to The Elements!
Recently called in to help a client restore their property in preparation for the rental market. When we arrived, this is what we found.
Scroll through to see how we left it.
Client`s Feedback; "AWL is abslutely superb! The work done exceeded my expectations. Liz and Alan took great care, and attention was paid to everything they did. I had a Housewash, gutter cleaning, decks waterblasted and roof treated. This was a mammoth job. I have had previous Housewashes etc in the past and definately didn`t match what I experienced from this great team. Liz was fantastic from the moment she came to give the quote and throughout the job. I want to sincerely thank Liz and Alan foe a phenomenal job and will be definitely using them in the future." Now that`s why we do what we do. LOVE IT!
Don`t leave lichen to eat away at your expensive roof. Left to grow wild on this long run steel, coloursteel, already we can see where the lichen is eating away at the powder coating. Unfortunately, when it gets this bad the only thing to do is wash it off and repaint the entire roof. A regular roof treatment (every second year) will avoid this outcome and potentially save you thousands.
#guttersandroofs, #rooftreatment, #roofclean
#awlhousewash, #lichenremoval #coloursteel
Jan 14

Don`t leave lichen to eat away at your expensive roof. Left to grow wild on this long run steel, coloursteel, already we can see where the lichen is eating away at the powder coating. Unfortunately, when it gets this bad the only thing to do is wash it off and repaint the entire roof. A regular roof treatment (every second year) will avoid this outcome and potentially save you thousands.
#guttersandroofs, #rooftreatment, #roofclean
#awlhousewash, #lichenremoval #coloursteel
Gutters suffering from excessive plant growth? This could be terminal for your roof cavity, not to mention that your insurance would be null and void.
Avoid serious damage before it`s too late.
Don`t risk damaging your property when we could fix it for you. Call today on 09-415-1574 or just google AWL HOUSEWASH
Aug 15

Gutters suffering from excessive plant growth? This could be terminal for your roof cavity, not to mention that your insurance would be null and void.
Avoid serious damage before it`s too late.
Don`t risk damaging your property when we could fix it for you. Call today on 09-415-1574 or just google AWL HOUSEWASH
Auckland Gutter Cleaning
Gutter maintenance is an essential part of home ownership but sadly one job that is often overlooked until it`s too late.
Leaves, twigs and other debris can easily block your downpipes. The resulting damage caused by blocked gutters can and often does run into the thousand for repair.
We recommend having your gutters checked biannually depending on where you live and how close the trees are to your home.
If you`d like us to check your gutters. Just google AWLHOUSEWASH.
Jul 17

Auckland Gutter Cleaning
Gutter maintenance is an essential part of home ownership but sadly one job that is often overlooked until it`s too late.
Leaves, twigs and other debris can easily block your downpipes. The resulting damage caused by blocked gutters can and often does run into the thousand for repair.
We recommend having your gutters checked biannually depending on where you live and how close the trees are to your home.
If you`d like us to check your gutters. Just google AWLHOUSEWASH.
Lichen build up on these old clay tiles looks unsightly and needs to be treated.
We do NOT recommend washing this style of roofing. Over time the tiles can become very brittle and replacements are hard to find.
For more information. Just Google AWL Housewash.
May 23

Lichen build up on these old clay tiles looks unsightly and needs to be treated.
We do NOT recommend washing this style of roofing. Over time the tiles can become very brittle and replacements are hard to find.
For more information. Just Google AWL Housewash.
Remember that roof that was covered in Lichen?
Same roof - as it should look.
We will have more pictures of the completed roof over at our website in just a few days time.
Apr 19

Remember that roof that was covered in Lichen?
Same roof - as it should look.
We will have more pictures of the completed roof over at our website in just a few days time.
This is what will happen to your roof if left unattended for too long.
Not good but it is fixable. Decramastic tiles are thin and you need to take care not to walk in the wrong place or you`ll do even more damage than the lichen.
Apr 17

This is what will happen to your roof if left unattended for too long.
Not good but it is fixable. Decramastic tiles are thin and you need to take care not to walk in the wrong place or you`ll do even more damage than the lichen.
Took a while but we finally got the fern clear of the system. Gutters cleared and flushed, house washed from top to bottom. Another totally happy and satisfied client.
Apr 5

Took a while but we finally got the fern clear of the system. Gutters cleared and flushed, house washed from top to bottom. Another totally happy and satisfied client.
"I`m not sure my Gutters are working properly". This is what we discovered when we arrived on the jobsite this morning. This fern has been growing for sometime. If your gutters look like this... you might want to consider giving us a call.
Apr 5

"I`m not sure my Gutters are working properly". This is what we discovered when we arrived on the jobsite this morning. This fern has been growing for sometime. If your gutters look like this... you might want to consider giving us a call.
Old bricks can make a great entrance or walkway but when neglected they just end up looking dull and unattractive.
Don`t let them get as bad as the first image. The second picture was taken while we were restoring them.
See the huge difference a good clean up makes.
To learn more, just google AWL Housewash.
Jun 17

Old bricks can make a great entrance or walkway but when neglected they just end up looking dull and unattractive.
Don`t let them get as bad as the first image. The second picture was taken while we were restoring them.
See the huge difference a good clean up makes.
To learn more, just google AWL Housewash.
Just a couple of examples of how moss and mold can and does make your paved patio, walkways look tired and unkept.
Also can become a health hazard as they will be very slippery underfoot when wet.
Will post the after photos once we have cleaned them all up.
Apr 26

Just a couple of examples of how moss and mold can and does make your paved patio, walkways look tired and unkept.
Also can become a health hazard as they will be very slippery underfoot when wet.
Will post the after photos once we have cleaned them all up.
When pavers are not cared for weeds very quickly take over and spoil the overall look and functionality of the space.
Second picture shows how good the area should look.
Apr 15

When pavers are not cared for weeds very quickly take over and spoil the overall look and functionality of the space.
Second picture shows how good the area should look.
Pavers look so much better when they`re clean not to mention that they make the entire property look brighter.
Apr 8

Pavers look so much better when they`re clean not to mention that they make the entire property look brighter.